Lennie Snow Person at The END of the Party!
February 16th, 2013 at 3:52 pm (Character, Snow People)
I would be remiss if I didn’t also share with you the next part of Lennie Leftover’s story. Here is a picture of him at the end of the night when the party is almost over…
As we know too well how the sun’s rays bring each of us to a ripe old age…to a snow person, life moves extremely fast! Lennie, now is transfiguring to another form…evaporating all good times to be distilled in time for future generations of goodness and good times!
No worries, Lennie, you’ll ‘be back some day!’ I’m headed to The Hillock to find you and all your darling descendants! Thanks for slices of snow moments for us all! Oh that we ALL could be as Flakey as you, dear one!