January 29th, 2014 at 12:00 am (A MossWhisper, Snow People)
On the mantel is my favorite pitcher. On it is written, “Celebrate the Silence of the Snowflake.” I found it at a thrift store, and a special friend and I share it back and forth. It happened to be here for this snow. I wondered if the words written on it were some famous quote. Sofar, I haven’t found the source. Yet, it is part of the snow celebration! For the snow muffles the sounds of school buses, the sounds of cars, and footsteps as we usually know them. With its silence it brings a brand new world of awe. Stay warm, everyone! And sleep tight!
Quiet scrunches of the feet.
A blanket of white tucks the world in tight.
Wrinkles of mud and crackles of leaves,
Hidden and smoothed from sight and sound.
Earthworms deep beneath the ground
Huddle round each other in a survival hug.
Light and shadows play their games
To celebrate the silence the snowflake brings.
February 19th, 2013 at 3:31 am (Character, Snow People)
A tiny snow person appeared on the north side of The Hillock today. This was surprising to me since all the snow had melted…hmm..
February 16th, 2013 at 3:52 pm (Character, Snow People)
I would be remiss if I didn’t also share with you the next part of Lennie Leftover’s story. Here is a picture of him at the end of the night when the party is almost over…
As we know too well how the sun’s rays bring each of us to a ripe old age…to a snow person, life moves extremely fast! Lennie, now is transfiguring to another form…evaporating all good times to be distilled in time for future generations of goodness and good times!
No worries, Lennie, you’ll ‘be back some day!’ I’m headed to The Hillock to find you and all your darling descendants! Thanks for slices of snow moments for us all! Oh that we ALL could be as Flakey as you, dear one!
February 16th, 2013 at 3:36 pm (Character, Snow People)
This morning billowy snowflakes were dancing from the sky when I awoke from my winter sleep! The snowflakes startled my mind to billow forth ALL snow critters frozen in time past.
This little man appeared on a giant rock by OUR front walkway. He was about 48 snowcentimeters tall and hIs name was Lennie Leftover, a self-made little man from the leftover snow on the northernmost side of our house.
He was getting all decked out to go to a ‘snow person party’ in town! Top hats have always held a special place on snow heads for parties ‘downtown’. Must continue traditions of tipping his hat to all ‘traffic cops’ at stoplights!
I’m wondering whether any of his descendants will be showing up down at The Hillock today…