The Castle of the Heart and the One-Winged Bird

CastleofHeart2The Castle of the Heart and the One-Winged Bird

Slab is busily firing his kiln for the last time before he makes his big delivery trek to the eastern slope of  Middle Hillock. He must time it just right. For to get to “The Castle of the Heart” he must pass through the Valley of  Ashes and the lair of Char, the last dragon to guard the the Stone Gateway to the Wise Old Tree….

Just as the Valley of Ashes is made of layers of dragon bones from Char’s ancestors, and fallen trees blackened by snores of ancestral dragons’ ancient slumbers.  … The Castle of the Heart, is made of layers… layers of castles whose heartbeats have moved on, making room for quicker pulses to thrive. and if  Slab were to have a sense  that he was being watched even on his hidden days and nights, he is right. For far in the distance stands the silhouette of a one-winged bird, glancing longingly towards the castle. Never once does he turn his eye from the direction his wing points. Never once does he rest from his vigil.

…For Slab, this trek is easy since he has the fortunate design of a day in between everyone else’s’. So as easy as Slab’s clay forms into pots, Slab easily slips through space and time as he rolls his heavy load of pottery up to the castle doors.

“The Potter’s Tree”


Over the last 3 years, some new dwellings have begun to appear at The Hillock in the Meadow. They are amazing to watch evolve over the seasons. Recently, I’ve been working on watercolors of them, and slowly stories of each of the dwellings are whispering through my mind on my walks. This watercolor is outer evidence of Slab, the Potter. Slab spends a lot of his time underground searching for clay and minerals for his work. In the picture you can see some of his work, and off to the right peeks remnants of his outdoor kiln. He’s an industrious little fellow and hard to catch in action with the human eye!

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