Welcome: The Adventure Begins!
January 27th, 2009 at 6:05 pm (The Adventure Begins)
Glad you decided to peek into my Blog and think about sharing in this Adventure with me!
I LOVE Adventures! Maybe because it takes a little bit of boldness on my part to go on one! And there are so many wonderful surprises!
This BLOG thing has been beckoning me for years now and I’ve just been hiding down in our mossy hillocks peeking at other blogadventures from behind big boulders that I’ve created in my mind. You probably know what I mean… the kind of boulders that build walls and look dangerous! Boulders like: ‘no one would want to spend time listening to my whispers!’ ‘I might goof and say something I didn’t mean’ ‘or be mis-interpreted’…. Besides, my personal boulders seem beautiful enough on my side…so there’s no ‘logical’ reason to dare venture beyond and see if they are as beautiful on the other side! And what if there is more than just one other side of things?!!! (which of course there is!).
So here I’ve been down in my little ‘hillock’ writing books, nurturing nature and being nurtured by it, digging a pond, taking walks, and making fairy gardens and houses now and then. And meanwhile, living my life and learning to let it live me! I’ve gotten nudges near and far about ‘putting it out there!’ ideas, thoughts, etc. And so… here comes my bold whisperings to the world! Looking forward to listening for your whispers as well!
Oh, and I guess I should mention a truth we all probably know already: the most exciting thing about adventures, especially mossy ones is that we have NO IDEA what shape they will take!
So here’s to our Mossy Adventure!
All for now! Ann