Getting to know me
August 5th, 2013 at 10:45 am (Catching Up With Inertia!)
“Don’t be a stranger, Ann!” That’s what the moss is whispering to me now as I step back into this ‘space’ I worked so hard to create! This space for sharing and for “playing with self expression in the form of words, watercolor, brushstrokes, and the elusively wired (or is it wireless?) worldwide web we weave.
Thinking I was taking a tiny breather in the summer eddies of my lifestream, I lost something big! I lost my INERTIA! Hopefully it didn’t drown, but just kept moving downstream. Surely I can paddle a little harder and catch it! Unless I use all my regained breath!
So here are my first doggie paddles of summer towards regaining inertia!
These first two are the best children’s books I will participate in, ever!
April 12, 2013, Baby Oliver has turned into a precious one year old boy!

Oliver’s finding some powerpaths for himself! Biking is one! Walking & talking are 2 obvious big ones! So fun to experience emerging imaginary play & ALWAYS his engaging tenderness! Love you, Big Boy!
June 24, 2013 was the beginning of another ‘grand life’! Grandbaby #2!
Born to Will & Vika Gordon! Baby Andrea!An adorable baby girl! A lifechanger forever, already!