Martha Agnes Julia Adele 2

This painting took a very long time and I’m afraid Martha Julia Agnes Adele’s face expresses how I’m feeling afterwards! It was easier to make this ‘pebblestone street’ than to paint it! I’m in for ‘trouble’  for she will be going on her adventure mostly on this little street! This will be good for me! As for her mother…she’s not supposed to be in the heavens! She’s supposed to be in Martha Julia Agnes Adele’s mind! hmmm.. Also, I need to decide exactly what kind and color of laced shoe she’s wearing and looking for on this adventure. Started out as a red Mary Ann shoe, they will need to have laces. Now it’s more like a tennis shoe, but what color? Red? hmm…

She scuffed to her knees, looking round for her shoe.

In her ears, her mother’s voice blew through.

“Martha Julia Agnes Adele,

You’ll lose your shoes if you don’t tie them well!”



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