Martha Julia Agnes Adele 5

I’ve been away for a few days on my OWN adventure! Left my hiking boots (which I don’t  always tie quite well!) at home. And stepped back in time to go to my 45th High School Reunion! Takes a lot for me to break away from projects and push through any leftover teenage issues to go, but it was so wonderful! And also spent time with my 93 year-wise mom and 96 year-wise dad. A precious weekend! I wish one of my high school friends, who’s an amazing artist, lived nearby and  could ‘coach me’ on getting my paintings to express what’s really in my head! I also may go back after I finish this and rewrite it also in prose….Books take years to grow, just like children! Though years go by in a blink of an eye these days!


She spies someone trudging up the road,

A funny old many with a heavy load.

“I’m Martha Julia Agnes Adele,

“Please sit a while and rest a spell.”

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