Window in Time

Today a bird flew hard into our window. Stunned the bird but she flew away and recovered. Francklin, who was laying at my feet as he so lovingly does when I’m ‘potatoing it’ on the sofa, jumped straight up in the air as a good springer bird dog does and landed sitting upright on the sofa to check out the bird. Once he was satisfied that he couldn’t get to it (or unsatisfied?) he jumped back down at my feet, waiting for the next moment in time.

As for me, I’m realizing that I need to grab my short window of time during the day when I find some semblance of health, normalcy and a little bit of energy. Today it was long enough for a walk and a trip to the grocery store. I must have seen too much to do through my window of time, because when I got home with the food, my body said, “That’s it for today!” Sort of like back in the days of parenting when we tried to get huge amounts done while our children took their naps, or not! Off to bed!WindowInTime


  1. JohnG said,

    January 15, 2014 at 7:51 am

    It looks like Francklin is wearing a hat.

  2. Ann Gordon said,

    January 15, 2014 at 7:57 am

    He’s no ordinary ‘bird dog’ for sure! Usually he sits up much straighter than that and his markings make him look like he’s wearing a tux. Maybe he’s slumping a bit in this picture because he doesn’t want his ‘illusionary hat’ to fall off? 🙂

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