Inside My Great Walls
February 28th, 2020 at 7:49 am (Inside My Great Walls)

I wrote so much about this process of starting a new story but it went somewhere in my computer wires and I can’t find it! That’s ONE way to edit! I think I’ll add it tomorrow. This story I wrote while I’ve been sick and also while I’ve been thinking so much of our son, John, his wife Catherine and their two young boys who have been staying in their apartment in Beijing for way over a month now. There are so many other families with children being affected in one way or another, by this Covid-19 virus. I can’t imagine going through any sort of Quarantine, especially if you are a child or with children! Bless them all!
John did an audio read of this story I wrote and posted it on the site where he offers many new ways for people to practice their English. He made my story sound so much better than I ever thought it could sound! Thank you, John! It was healing medicine just listening to you read it!
Lucy Wilson said,
February 28, 2020 at 12:10 pm
Wow! You just can’t hide that talent you have, Ann !
I really enjoyed this story and know many more will also.
Love to all our cousins in China,
Lucy and A.C.
Ann Gordon said,
February 28, 2020 at 12:34 pm
Thanks, Lucy. The big challenge for me IS sharing these stories! My understanding is that the more of a following I get as I go along (which happens by continually posting and sharing), the easier it may be to publish and the more options I will have. Thanks for your encouragement! Love to you!
Sue said,
February 28, 2020 at 5:29 pm
This is just the way to expand those walls of imagination!
It is wonderful to hear John’s voice reading your words from his Covid station.
I thought a little Magical friend was going to materialize from shadows under the door. Maybe this will happen in version number four?
You took us all to nature! Who could ask for more?
Our best love to all the fam!
Your loving Cannon, that’s who I am!
Ann Gordon said,
February 28, 2020 at 7:14 pm
Oh, Sue! I’ve been thinking of you guys so much! Are Bajir and Maki and the kids doing fine in Japan? Or did they head your way? SO much to catch up on! I want to go on a big mountain treasure hunt to find you and Kadir, soon! Maybe this spring! Love to you and all your family!
Janie Vaughan said,
February 28, 2020 at 9:11 pm
I am so excited to see your talents! Art, creative writing, music! Keep it up, Ann!
Love, Janie
Ann Gordon said,
March 1, 2020 at 5:56 pm
Loving my cousin! Hoping you’re staying well and enjoying your days, Janie! Love you!
Marty Fulton said,
February 29, 2020 at 7:43 am
Ann, you have been creative, magical, beeautiful and loving for at least 40 years that I know of. I love reading and hearing your your stories. Thank you my friend for sharing them. Heal better soon ?
Coatesie Clark said,
February 29, 2020 at 8:29 am
Wow, Ann! This story rivals Green Ham and Eggs, etc.. and I love hearing John! Keep up the good work! You are using your talents. Every time I am on a walk on this mountain and see beautiful moss, I think Of You! Praying for your family in China and now everyone all over. Ooooxxxxxxxx
Ann Gordon said,
February 29, 2020 at 11:33 am
Thanks, Marty, for your always love and encouragement! It’s will to hear you mention that many years of knowing each other…I just guess I can’t quite realize TIME! It just keeps on going and when we count it, it is a bigger number!!!! But something about knowing you right now covers it ALL! So funny you mentioned the timing of years. Right now I’m reworking the Martha Julia Agnes Adele story to get the tenses to all agree! Well… at least to get the ‘narrator’ to stay in one tense! I had no IDEA how ALL OVER THE PLACE I am with TIME! Well…I had a ‘sense’ that sometimes my ‘tense’ is off! There it goes! Loving you!