Martha Julia Agnes Adele 3

Lots of things about the story seem in that state of creative madness right now! So many characters are wanting to enter next! I don’t even think I can let that many of them come in, if I want to keep the simplicity of this story! So hard to say “no” to some of them! They’ll just need to wait their turn, and it might not be in this story. Some may have to wait longer than others. That’s SO hard! It’s as hard as having a classroom of children, each of whom wants to be first! Be heard! Get the attention. They all want to know they matter! Sigh…I didn’t realize such decisions would follow me everywhere!



Yes, she hadn’t tied her shoes quite right.

With strings so loose, one shoe took flight.

Yet for Martha Julia Agnes Adele,

An adventure was near… she could always tell!

Revising Writing and Making Drawings

Martha Julia Agnes Adele is realizing that she’s stumbled upon yet another adventure. After getting over stumble and loss of her shoe, she’s gotten up and is feeling quite independent and sassy! Ready to begin her next adventure, in spite of the fact that she can’t tie her shoes very well! Still changing the text, here it is as of now:


Yes, she hadn’t tied her shoes quite right.

With the strings so loose, one shoe took flight.

Yet for Martha Julia Agnes Adele,

An adventure was near! She could already tell!

Martha Agnes Julia Adele 2

This painting took a very long time and I’m afraid Martha Julia Agnes Adele’s face expresses how I’m feeling afterwards! It was easier to make this ‘pebblestone street’ than to paint it! I’m in for ‘trouble’  for she will be going on her adventure mostly on this little street! This will be good for me! As for her mother…she’s not supposed to be in the heavens! She’s supposed to be in Martha Julia Agnes Adele’s mind! hmmm.. Also, I need to decide exactly what kind and color of laced shoe she’s wearing and looking for on this adventure. Started out as a red Mary Ann shoe, they will need to have laces. Now it’s more like a tennis shoe, but what color? Red? hmm…

She scuffed to her knees, looking round for her shoe.

In her ears, her mother’s voice blew through.

“Martha Julia Agnes Adele,

You’ll lose your shoes if you don’t tie them well!”



Martha Julia Agnes Adele 2

This is as far as my fingers could go on this today. Painting tomorrow!


She scuffed to her knees, looked round for her shoe,

In her ears her mother’s voice blew through.

“Martha Julia Agnes Adele,

” You’ll lose your shoes if you don’t tie them well!”




Martha Julia Agnes Adele 1

Still playing with the order of her name. Right now I’m trying Martha Julia Agnes Adele. Martha and Adele are my grandmothers. And Julia and Agnes are Alex’s grandmothers. I was just looking for old fashion names that had a good rhythm and it just happened that way. Martha is also my wonderful sister’s name! And Adele, my magical fairy aunt.


Martha Julia Agnes Adele

Stubbed her toe, then tripped and fell.

“Oh, diddle duff! she grumbled and fussed.

“Too many pebbles and too much dust!”

Martha Agnes Julia Adele Stumbles Upon PebbleStoneWay

Perhaps this is the little girl’s name? And I just don’t know what to do when things materialize over and over in rhyme. I tried so hard not to let this happen. Started it in prose, and it just keeps rhythmically rewriting itself!


Martha Agnes Julia Adele stubbed her toe, then tripped and fell!

“Oh, diddle duff!” she grumbled and fussed, “too many pebbles and too much dust!”

She scuffed to her knees and looked round for her shoe, in her ears her mother’s voice blew through.

“Martha Agnes Julia Adele, you wouldn’t lose your shoes if you tied them well!”

She hadn’t tied her shoes quite right, and as she kicked the pebble, her shoe took flight.

But for Martha Agnes Julia Adele, an adventure was about to begin, quite well!

“What’s this?”  she felt underneath her feet? A marvelous, magnificent pebblestone street!

“I’ve stubbed myself into quite a surprise! A marvelous village, just my size!”

Martha Agnes Julia Adele jumped to her feet and skipped quite well!

“There’s something strange in the air around here…a mysterious fog makes me (things?) disappear!”

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